Dynamic-Graph Orientation
1 Orienting Acyclic Graphs
Throughout this post,
is an undirected acyclic graph on
vertices and
edges. The problem we want to solve is called graph orientation:
The input
is given in the insertion-only streaming model. That is, we know
in advance, and the set
is being revealed one edge at a time. For each edge
that we get, we need to assign a direction (i.e. an orientation), meaning to decide that it either points to
or to
. When
points to
we denote it by
. Note that when we assign a direction to a new edge, we may as well update the orientation of previously seen edges. When the stream ends, we left with a directed version of
, denote it
We are interested in two metrics: the first is the outgoing degree bound, which is defined by the term
is the number of
’s neighbors which
points to, in the oriented graph
The second metric is a bound on the orientation cost for a single step of the stream. That is, a bound on the number of edge updates for every time a new edge is being revealed.
Due to the fact that
is acyclic, we know it is actually a collection of one or more trees, then there exists an orientation
in which
(think that each node points to its parent in its corresponding tree).
2 Orientation Cost
Lets start with a very simple orientation rule: For every step of the stream, let
be the edge given in the current step, and
. Consider the endpoints of
. If
belongs to a larger connected component relative to the connected component of
, under the graph induced by
, then orient
to be
, otherwise orient it
. Note that
cannot be in the same connected component in
Obviously, that update rule has constant orientation cost (in particular it never change the orientations of previous edges). However, the outgoing degree bound is
. To prove that, consider some arbitrary vertex
. We increase its outgoing degree by
when we make it points to another larger connected component. So every time the outgoing degree of
increases by
, the size of its connected component is at least doubled. Since we have
vertices, we cannot double that size more than
3 Outgoing Degree Bound
Now we will see an update rule that yields a constant degree bound, say
Upon receiving
, orient it
. Then, if the outgoing degree of
, we apply
. This procedure will flip the orientation of any outgoing edge of
. Next, check any neighbor
that was affected by this change, and apply
if it has more than
outgoing edges. This process continues recursively until no orientation is changed.
Interesting question that immediately pops to mind is, why this process of recursive updates eventually terminates?
To see that infinite oscillation is impossible, consider some optimal orientation of
, denote it
, in which
. Suppose that
was revealed to the stream, and let
be the chain of vertices that we applied
to, after orienting it. Denote by
the number of edges in
that don’t agree with
, after applying
. So for example,
is the number of conflicting edges right after we inserted
but before we start the recursive fixing process, and
is the number of conflicting edges after we flip all the outgoing edges of
, and so on.
We will show that
is a strictly decreasing series, and since
cannot be negative, that series must terminates. Fix some
, which is the number of edges conflicting with
before applying
. In that moment,
, but in the optimal orientation it should be at most
, which means that at least
’s outgoing edges have wrong orientations. So applying
adding up to one conflicting edge, but on the other hand, fixing the orientation of at least
other edges, thus the total number of conflicting edges with
decreased by at least
, i.e.
It is immediate that this algorithm yields an orientation with outgoing degree bound of
. We now move to show that the amortize orientation cost is also constant. To show that we will use the accounting method, in which we assign positive and negative values to different operations that we perform during processing the stream. As long as those values are constants, if in every step of the stream the aggregated value is non-negative, then we may conclude that the amortize cost per operation is also constant. So suppose that the action of inserting a new edge has a value of
, and flipping orientation of an existing edge has a value of
. We first prove the following claim.
Suppose we got a new edge
, and let
be the series of vertices that we applied on
during the recursive fixing process, after inserting
to the graph. Then, all
are distinct, and the value of
is exactly
for any
For the first part, if there is a vertex in
appearing twice, it means that we found a cycle in
which is impossible. For the second part, assume toward contradiction that we have
such that the outgoing degree of
was at least 6. It must be due to
application on some vertices from
, which means that
has two neighbors in
, and we know that those neighbors are connected, so we found a cycle in
and that is a contradiction.
It is left to show that at any point in time, the total value of previous operation is non negative. The following claim prove that.
For every step,
, of the stream, let
be the edge revealed on that step. Let
be the series of vertices that we applied on
during the recursive fixing process, with
as defined before. Denote by
the aggregated value of all the operations done until inserting
(including) and after applying
. Then,
for any
By induction on
. For
, note that
. For
, we have
, so using the induction hypothesis,
, assume by induction on
that the claim holds, then
4 Releasing the Assumptions
This post dealt with a relative simple model, in which the stream only revealing new edges but never deleting a previously seen one. In addition, we assume that our graph is acyclic which is also a very strong assumption. There are works that shows more sophisticated streaming algorithm for fully dynamic graphs (i.e. with edges insertions and deletions), and also works on general graphs that are not necessarily acyclic. Further details can be found in this paper.